Monday, September 20, 2010

Dog Neuticles - Rocky Kardashian Testicle Implants

Rocky Kardashian dog cosmetic neuticles/testicle implants surgery.
The Kardashian family has almost successfully taken over the world, and with one of the most highly rated shows on television today, its easy to keep up with their every move.

Last nights episode showcased the sexually frustrated family dog, Rocky, as he prowled the neighborhood for potential mates, suffice to say this wasn't ok with fellow neighborhood dog owners, so the family decided to take action against Rocky Kardashian's manly hood.

So off to the local veterinarian office for some proper slicing and dicing was in order for poor Rocky, which is where the family was faced with the choice of getting "Neuticles", a pair of dog testicle implants...
And despite Bruce's reluctancy, Kim and Kris naturally thought the idea of cosmetic plastic surgery was fabulous for little Rocky.

Plus i think its worth noting that Kim Kardashian made the ultimate decision on the size of the neuticles, which she choose the smaller pair, and stated that she doesn't like big balls on dogs, or anything else. Now that might have been a little too much information, Kim.
Anyways, the testicle implants surgery was a success and Rocky emerged from the operating room with a smile on his face, spring in his step and a cone around his neck.

And like most Keeping up with the Kardashian episodes, things ended happily! Except for cosmetic Rocky and his hormone-less implants.

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